Space Abroad


Providing Excellent Opportunities Outside the Shores of Your Home Country

With a focus on citizenship and residence by real estate investment, Space Abroad is a leading immigration firm. For the best investment strategy to suit their needs abroad, more than a hundred members of the a-class rely on our knowledge and guidance. We have partnerships in every nation in Africa and Europe.


We believe everyone aspires to own a valuable investment that can provide a generational benefit which is why we promote citizenship and residency. Currently, most wealthy individuals are looking for a second option in terms of mobility and freedom, especially in the African Market.


Our experienced team is here to advise the best plan that will suit everyone seeking a Space Abroad or across the globe. 

We are the best consultancy firm that is ready to take you through the entire process of immigration law, citizenship opportunities, and residential permit operation.

Trusted by more than 200+ partners worldwide, our company has provided more than 50 citizens for individuals from Africa and Asia. In Africa, we are currently one of the leading Investment companies for people ready to have a second option of residency or citizenship around the world.
We understand the need to have the right to explore the option of easy mobility worldwide. Space Abroad believes it is an opportunity to assist individuals, families, and governments in creating better value and encouraging a diversified society.
We intend to ensure everyone has a chance to engage with a better choice of citizenship or residence, no matter their background.

Our Guideline

Everyone that needs a Space Abroad is looking forward to a new HOME. Therefore, we are here to make you have a home-away-from-home experience. Our tagline explains the principles that guide our company.

HOME stands for:

Honesty: We are strictly on honest ethics and a straightforward approach to everyone

Opportunity: We are here to create new opportunities for everyone whose place of birth or citizenship has made them less fortunate to explore the world
Mobility: Relocating abroad should not be a problem, so we ensure all your moving movement from one place to another is easy with our team’s assistance. We are always with you from the starting to the end
Experience: We believe a wonderful experience earns us a free word-of-mouth advert. Our highly experienced team is ready to offer service to satisfy the high expectations of our clients.

Why Choose Us?

We are committed to treating our clients with the best experience. Every client is so important to us and we take it as a duty to make sure you feel at home away from home whenever you need our service.

Our Expert Team

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Discuss With Us For Your Real Estate Investment, Visa Or Residency Needs

Do you have any property you would like to buy abroad that is not available on our listings but need a professional guide? We are ready to assist you through our consultation service. Our job will include researching, searching, and ticking all legal dots, and we will make it easy for you.

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